
How Headless Architectures Can Boost Conversion and Performance

David Roach
 7  min read

The rise of headless solutions from Shopify and other platforms has revolutionized web development. Let’s explore how these cutting-edge technologies provide brands with a unique opportunity to enhance performance, drive innovation, and stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape—creating highly responsive applications that build customer trust and increase conversions.

Are you considering a headless approach for your brand? The debate between headless and native web development is not new, but with the rise of new headless architectures from Shopify paired with other popular web frameworks, these new and exciting technologies come together to offer brands the opportunity to rethink their traditional website models for enhanced performance and innovation.

Whether you're considering making the switch or exploring your options to enhance your current experience, this guide helps differentiate the key benefits and distinctions for your current or future considerations.

Let’s Start with the Basics —  What is Headless Commerce?

A headless website is a type of website experience where the front end (the part you see and interact with) and the back end (the part that stores and manages data) are separate.

Now, think about a food delivery service. The kitchen is still there, cooking the food, but instead of serving it directly in a dining room, the food is delivered to people wherever they are—at home, at a park, or at a friend's house. This is how a headless website works.

  1. Kitchen (Back End): This is where all the cooking (data and content management) happens. It prepares the content and makes sure it's ready to go.
  2. Delivery (API): The delivery service is like the API (Application Programming Interface) that takes the prepared food from the kitchen and delivers it to wherever the customer is.
  3. Dining Room (Front End): Instead of having one dining room, you can have many different dining experiences. The food can be served on a plate at a restaurant, in a box at a picnic, or on a tray at home. This is like how the front end can be a website, a mobile app, a feed to a POS system, or an OOH screen/experience in your shop.

Why It’s Cool

  • Freedom 💃🏼: Developers, designers, and marketers can choose how and where you want to consume your experience without being tied to a single channel.
  • Consistency 🔄: The back-end and API ensures that the data remains the same no matter where it’s served.
  • Innovation💡: You can create new experiences without changing the back-end. Developers can innovate the user experience without altering the core data structure, meeting virtually any requirement or customization.

What’s the Right Approach For Your Brand? Let’s Look at a Few Benefits and Trade-offs.

Native Websites: Simplicity and Reliability

Native websites, also known as conventional/monolithic systems, integrate the front and back end(s) into a single platform. In Shopify terms, we refer to this as the Shopify native space, or put simply: experiences built using Shopify’s native template logic (Liquid, JSON, HTML, CSS).

This approach offers simplicity, a rich admin UI, and generally lower setup costs; however, these experiences can be less scalable, performant, and flexible over time — planning for dependency or theme upgrades and monitoring performance over time are essential (and time-consuming), especially if you have a lot of third-party apps and services running.

Native experiences are supported by the strong Shopify development and partner communities and are easier to manage for smaller marketing teams with less complex feature requirements due to Shopify's rich plug-and-play app community.

Shopify has also made it easier than ever to monitor your performance for Liquid based stores right from your admin UI. This helps brands navigate scale and performance challenges with specific insights.

Headless Architectures: Flexibility and Scalability

Headless architectures separate the front-end and back-end, allowing developers to use modern frameworks and languages like Hydrogen, React or Vue.js. This flexibility enables the creation of highly dynamic user experiences tailored to specific business needs.

Headless systems can scale more efficiently and optimize performance. This leads to faster load times and improved SEO, particularly for mobile devices.

Headless setups enable consistent experiences across various channels, such as web, mobile, and IoT devices, meeting the demands of today’s multi-channel consumers. Though Shopify natively offers multiple sales channels, headless systems can serve content virtually anywhere, provided a web browser or service to consume a feed of data.

With headless, businesses can innovate freely, integrating with third-party services and building unique features that set them apart in the market.

These adaptable technologies ensure longevity and relevance in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. If 4 years from now the delivery service changes, you don’t have to renovate your kitchen and throw out all your equipment.

Choosing the Right Approach

Choosing between a headless and native website approach depends on your brand's goals and priorities. Here's a comparison to help you decide:

🚀 Performance and Speed

  • Headless: Offers fast load times with static site generation and CDN delivery, providing an edge in performance.
  • Native: Can have slower load times due to server-side rendering but can be optimized with proper development practices.

↔️ Scalability

  • Headless: Highly scalable, able to handle increased traffic and content seamlessly.
  • Native: Limited scalability; adapting to growth may require significant rework.

🎛️ Flexibility and Customization

  • Headless: Allows for independent customization of front-end and back-end, enabling tailored user experiences and integrations.
  • Native: Offers limited flexibility, with changes often requiring significant modification to the whole system.

📑 Content Management

  • Headless: Utilizes headless CMS (e.g., Contentful, Sanity) for flexible and dynamic content management.
  • Native: Features an integrated CMS that simplifies content management but offers less flexibility.

💵 Cost and Resource Allocation

  • Headless: May have higher initial costs but often results in long-term savings due to better scalability and flexibility, generally requires more multi-skilled developers upfront.
  • Native: Lower initial costs but potentially higher maintenance expenses over time as needs evolve.

🔍 SEO Friendliness

  • Headless: Provides excellent SEO capabilities with modern frameworks and faster load times.
  • Native: SEO can be strong but might suffer from slower page speeds if not optimized.

Conclusion: No Wrong Approach

There's no wrong approach here—only the right one for your brand's unique needs. Headless offers cutting-edge performance and flexibility, while native systems provide reliability and simplicity.

Whether you choose headless or native development, Verbal+Visual is here to guide you.

Our team has extensive experience with both approaches, ensuring your brand's digital experience aligns with your goals. We offer expert support for Shopify Plus, as well as Shopify's Hydrogen and Oxygen, and popular frameworks like GatsbyJS, Next.js, and Vue.

Let us help you navigate the complexities of these technologies to find the right fit for your brand.

Exploring Headless Further

Headless in The Wild

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